Story Behind the Shot: Black and White Sea Krait
Jan 15
Black and White Sea Krait, Raja Ampat, Indonesia; Canon EOS 7D, EF 8-15mm f/4L Fisheye lens, 2 Ikelite 160 strobes; ISO 100, 1/200 sec, f /8.0
As divers, we often get so caught up with the subjects we find on the reefs that we forget about all the incredible photo opportunities near the surface. Shooting close to the surface is one of my favorite places to shoot. You can capture reflections and get textures that are hard to compete with. You can get glimpses of clouds, trees and other subjects above the surface that make the images unique. Imagine my excitement when I saw this black and white sea krait making his way through the mangroves in Indonesia!
There is really no magic to getting reflections. If you can see it, you can shoot it. You do need to be at the correct angle (less than 42 degrees) to see it though. The smoother the surface the more detail your reflection will have, but choppy surfaces can lead to interesting textures. When I did see this sea krait, I only had the opportunity to get off a couple of shots before it dove down onto the reef to hunt. Having your camera and strobes ready to shoot can really make the difference between getting or missing a shot. The next time you’re looking for something creative to add to your portfolio, get shallow and see what you get!
Photo and text by: Todd Winner
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