Kona Photo workshop Sep 18th – 29th
Kona Photo workshop Sep 18th – 29th
Sep 09
Aloha! I will be running an informal low-cost underwater photo workshop in Kona this month, September 19th – 28th.
It is designed for people who live in Kona, or for people who can make a quick trip over for some classes and/or fun diving.
- Amazing dives & snorkels
- Group lectures
- One-on-one underwater photo help
- Ultra-low cost
Two ways to participate:
- Join us on some dives – Turtles, Manta Rays, Dolphins, Tiger Sharks, Black-water night dives, Pilot Whale/Oceanic white-tip dives, Akule bait-ball. Dive costs will not be marked up, and locals can get “local rates” on dives. Of course shore dives are free.
- Attend classes/workshops – I’ll be planning some evening lectures based on interest, there will be a small nominal cost. Potential speakers are myself, Jeff Milisen, Bo Pardau, Joshua Lambus, and Doug Perrine. Exact dates and topics will be determined later this week. Potential topics are underwater lighting, composition, getting great video, Hawaiian monk seals, finding and photographing mantas, focusing on pelagic inverts, and selling your underwater photos.
How to Participate
Please email me at kona@bluewaterphotostore.com if you are interested, along with the dates you are available, and if you are interested in dives, lectures or both. I can also assist in accommodation if needed.
I hope to see you in Kona later this month!
Scott Gietler
Owner, Bluewater Photo & Bluewater Travel
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