Neutrally buoyant macro rig – why did I ever wait?
Mar 11
Why did I ever wait to make my macro rig neutrally buoyant? I’ll never know. But now I am one happy camper.
I finally added a STIX Float ring around my macro port. Now the rig is finally almost neutral with my 60mm + 1.4x teleconverter. It will be slightly heavier with my 105mm lens in the port, and even heavier with a subsee diopter + subsee adapter on the end of the port. My wrist already feels better!
Here is a link to some photos I took with my new almost-neutral macro setup. My photos are #13- #19 in the album from our 3rd annual Santa Cruz island macro trip. It was definitely easier to compose properly to get shots. I can’t wait to try it with my 105mm! – Scott

STIX float ring around my macro port, on my Sea & Sea D7000 housing with a Sola light, dual Sea & Sea YS-D1 strobes.
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